ENCE Energía y Celulosa SA

Bloomberg ticker: ENC:SM

Premium in-depth report of ENCE Energía y Celulosa SA

  • Date: 15 May 2019 | Formats: pdf & Excel files | Language: English
  • Price: 5,200 EUR
  • Analyst: Nicolás Portela (profile)
  • Financial forecast: 5 years
  • Valuation methodology: Discounted cash flow model
  • Data source: Company filings, public information, remote sensing data, field surveys, expert analysis

What's included:

  1. Premium in-depth report (Ence_report.pdf)
  2. Financial model (Ence_financial_model.xlsx)

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Our aproach

Our goal is to provide our clients with an advantage. We offer a powerful combination of experience, analytical talent and customer service to organizations of all sizes.

As a complement to the bottom-up fundamental analysis, we apply our propietary technology to process satellite images to know the availability of wood in analyzed companies. This unique approach in the sector allows us into a deeper vision of companies.

Forest Engineers with experience in the real field analyze not only financial statements, but also the past, present and future business operations. In addition, our experience in forest certification schemes (FSC and PEFC) allows us to interpret the commitment of companies to sustainable forest management. This is not only about environmental care, but timber companies to be successfull must comply with a responsibly managed forest, both environmentally and socially.